British, Croatian
Playing range
British, Croatian
Played basketball professionally Member of Kinder London Towers that played the Euroleague, competing against the best European teams like Barcelona, Real Madrid, Kinder Bologna. Member of the under-20s Croatian National Team
Tennis: Played professionally until the age of 15. Finished in the top 64 at the Junior World Championships for under-14s, Orange Bowl, Miami, Florida. Also played at school level.
Other: Gymnastics, Olympic weightlifting, Yoga, Climbing, Skiing, Table Tennis, Swimming
Music & Dance Basic Piano, Choir Bass Voice, Tango
Languages Fluent in English and Croatian (bilingual), Italian (fluent), and German (Fluent-ZOP Certificate), Russian (fluent), French (fluent). Spanish (Fluent).
Accents: RP, London, Irish, N. Irish, Scottish, General American, American South
English (fluent), Italian, German, French, Russian, Spanish, English